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Panther Lake Community Church began over 100 years ago!  First as a neighborhood Sunday School organized by the Baptist Union Sunday School, we were incorporated in 1939 as the Panther Lake Union Sunday School. Under the leadership of our first pastor, Rev. Cecil Wakelam, we became a church and changed our name to Panther Lake Community Church.  Our first full time pastor was Rev. Carl Reynolds. Under Rev. Reynolds' leadership and inspiration PLCC purchased our present property and built our present sanctuary.


Over the years we have been served by a number of wonderful pastors, each of whom worked to lead us forward in the ministry and mission, often during changes in our community.  We began meeting in the local elementary school, bought land in a cherry orchard, saw the surrounding farms become housing, watched Kent become the home to a variety of industries, and today find ourselves in a school district that serves children who speak 102 different languages.


It is an exciting time and we look forward to the future the Lord has planned for us. Our vision is to be a "community of faith", to be "a light to the world", to be "the salt of the earth", and to be "the river of life" to this ever changing community and world, that we might help transform the world with Jesus Christ our Lord.



©2016 Panther Lake Community Church. All Rights Reserved.

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